If the UK strain B117 spreads internationally, it probably means large increases in Covid case numbers worldwide in 1-3 months, including in many countries that have the pandemic under control now.
Brooks Miner and I put together a simple visualisation of what the global situation would look like if B117 replaced existing strains (already happening in England, Denmark & Ireland): https://public.tableau.com/profile/brooks.miner#!/vizhome/Coronavirus_Effective_R/WorldMaps
So now we're in a race to vaccinate as many people as we can before this gets out of control. Talk to people you know about how safe the major vaccines are and how important it is that they get vaccinated ASAP. Spread the message (feel free to share the maps linked above) that we need to vaccinate as quickly as the vaccines can be produced.
Brooks Miner and I put together a simple visualisation of what the global situation would look like if B117 replaced existing strains (already happening in England, Denmark & Ireland): https://public.tableau.com/profile/brooks.miner#!/vizhome/Coronavirus_Effective_R/WorldMaps
So now we're in a race to vaccinate as many people as we can before this gets out of control. Talk to people you know about how safe the major vaccines are and how important it is that they get vaccinated ASAP. Spread the message (feel free to share the maps linked above) that we need to vaccinate as quickly as the vaccines can be produced.