All papers can also be seen at
Ecology papers
A few selected papers highlighted in bold.
33. Thomas, MK* & R Ranjan* (2024). Designing More Informative Multiple-Driver Experiments. Annual Review of Marine Science, 16, 513-536. [pdf] Twitter thread *Contributed equally
32. Gjoni, V, DS Glazier, BW Ibelings, JS Wesner & MK Thomas (2023). Temperature, resources, and predation interact to shape phytoplankton size-abundance relationships at a continental scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 2006-2016. [pdf]
31. Suarez, EL, LD Ventura, A Stöckli, C Ordóñez, MK Thomas, BW Ibelings & DF McGinnis (2023). The emergence and dominance of Planktothrix rubescens as an hypolimnetic cyanobacterium in response to re-oligotrophication of a deep peri-alpine lake. Limnology & Oceanography, 68, 1346-1359. [pdf]
30. Litchman, E* & MK Thomas* (2023). Are we underestimating the ecological and evolutionary effects of warming? Interactions with other environmental drivers may increase species vulnerability to high temperatures. Oikos, 2023(2), e09155. [pdf] Twitter thread *Contributed equally
29. Wierenga, J, MK Thomas, R Ranjan & BW Ibelings (2022). Complex effects of chytrid parasites on the growth of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens across interacting temperature and light gradients. ISME Communications, 2(93). [pdf] Twitter thread
28. Kath, NJ, MK Thomas & U Gaedke (2022). Mysterious ciliates: seasonally recurrent and yet hard to predict. Journal of Plankton Research, 44(6), 891-910. [pdf]
27. Collins, S, H Whittaker & MK. Thomas (2022). The need for unrealistic experiments in global change biology. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 68, 102151. [pdf] Twitter thread
26. Mesman, JP, AI Ayala, S Goyette, J Kasparian, R Marcé, H Markensten, JAA Stelzer, MK Thayne, MK Thomas, DC Pierson & BW Ibelings (2022). Drivers of phytoplankton responses to summer wind events in a stratified lake: A modeling study. Limnology & Oceanography 67(4), 856-873. [pdf]
25. Meyer, MF, R Ladwig, JP Mesman, IA Oleksy, CC Barbosa, KM Cawley, AN Cramer, J Feldbauer, PQ Tran, JA Zwart, GA López Moreira M., M Shikhani, D Gurung, RT Hensley, E Matta, RP McClure, T Petzoldt, N Sánchez-López, K Soetaert, MK Thomas, SN Topp, & X Yang. (2021). The AEMON-J “Hacking Limnology” Workshop Series & Virtual Summit: Incorporating Data Science and Open Science in Aquatic Research. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 30(4), 140-143. [pdf]
24. Kiørboe, TK & MK Thomas (2020). Heterotrophic eukaryotes show a slow-fast continuum, not a gleaner-exploiter trade-off. PNAS. 117(40), 24893-24899. [pdf]
AND in reply to a comment on the paper:
Kiørboe, TK & MK Thomas (2021). Reply to Letten and Yamamichi: A rescue at the cost of falsifiability. PNAS. 118(5) e2025720118 [pdf]
23. Bernhardt, JR, P Kratina, A Pereira, M Tamminen, MK Thomas & A Narwani (2020). The evolution of competitive ability for essential resources. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 375, 20190247. [pdf]
22. Lindegren, M, MK Thomas, SH Jónasdóttir, TG Nielsen & P Munk (2020). Environmental niche separation promotes coexistence among ecologically similar zooplankton species – North Sea copepods as a case study. Limnology & Oceanography, 65, 545-556. [pdf]
21. Lewington‐Pearce, L, A Narwani, MK Thomas, CT Kremer, H Vogler & P Kratina (2019). Temperature‐dependence of minimum resource requirements alters competitive hierarchies in phytoplankton. Oikos, 128, 1194-1205. [pdf]
20. S Fontana, MK Thomas, M Reyes & F Pomati (2019). Light limitation increases multidimensional trait evenness in phytoplankton populations. The ISME Journal, 13, 1159–1167. [pdf]
19. MK Thomas, S Fontana, M Reyes & F Pomati (2018). Quantifying cell densities and biovolumes of phytoplankton communities and functional groups using scanning flow cytometry, machine learning and unsupervised clustering. PLoS one. 13(5), e0196225. [pdf]
18. MK Thomas, S Fontana, M Reyes, M Kehoe & F Pomati (2018). The predictability of a lake phytoplankton community, over time-scales of hours to years. Ecology Letters. 21, 619-628. [pdf]
17. S Fontana, MK Thomas, M Moldoveanu, P Spaak & F Pomati (2018). Individual-level trait diversity predicts phytoplankton community properties better than species richness or evenness. The ISME Journal. 12, 356-366 [pdf]
16. CN Ryan, MK Thomas & E Litchman (2017). The effects of phosphorus and temperature on the competitive success of an invasive cyanobacterium. Aquatic Ecology. 51, 463-472 [pdf]
15. CT Kremer, MK Thomas & E Litchman (2017). Temperature- and size-scaling of phytoplankton population growth rates: reconciling the Eppley curve and the metabolic theory of ecology. Limnology & Oceanography. 62, 1658-1670. [pdf]
14. F Pomati, J Jokela, S Castiglioni, MK Thomas & L Nizzetto (2017). Micropollutants reduce phenotypic diversity and response capacity of natural phytoplankton communities. PLoS one, 12, e0174207. [pdf]
13. MK Thomas, M Aranguren-Gassis, CT Kremer, MR Gould, K Anderson, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2017). Temperature-nutrient interactions exacerbate sensitivity to warming in phytoplankton. Global Change Biology. 23, 3269-3280. [pdf]
12. KF Edwards, MK Thomas, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2016). Phytoplankton growth and the interaction of light and temperature: A synthesis at the species and community level. Limnology & Oceanography. 61, 1232-1244. [pdf]
11. L Listmann, M LeRoch, L Schlüter, MK Thomas & TBH Reusch (2016), Swift thermal reaction norm evolution in a key coccolithophore species. Evolutionary Applications. doi: 10.1111/eva.12362. [pdf]
10. MK Thomas, CT Kremer & E Litchman (2016). Environment and evolutionary history determine the global biogeography of phytoplankton temperature traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, 75-86. [pdf]
9. MK Thomas & E Litchman (2016), Effects of temperature and nitrogen availability on the growth of invasive and native cyanobacteria. Hydrobiologia, 763, 357-369 [pdf]
8. E Litchman, P de Tezanos Pinto, KF Edwards, CA Klausmeier, CT Kremer & MK Thomas (2015). Global biogeochemical impacts of phytoplankton: a trait-based perspective. Journal of Ecology, 103, 1384-1396. [pdf]
7. KF Edwards, MK Thomas, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2015). Light and growth in marine phytoplankton: allometric, taxonomic, and environmental variation. Limnology & Oceanography, 60, 540-552. [pdf]
6. PW Boyd, TA Rynearson, EA Armstrong, F Fu, K Hayashi, Z Hu, DA Hutchins, RM Kudela, E Litchman, MR Mulholland, U Passow, RF Strzepek, KA Whittaker, E Yu, & MK Thomas (2013). Marine phytoplankton temperature versus growth responses from polar to tropical waters - Outcome of a scientific community-wide study. PLoS one, 8(5), e63091. [pdf]
5. MK Thomas*, CT Kremer*, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2012). A global pattern of thermal adaptation in marine phytoplankton. Science, 338 (6110), 1085-1088. [pdf] *Contributed equally
Public reception: Faculty of 1000, Nature research highlights, New Scientist
4. E Litchman. KF Edwards, CA Klausmeier & MK Thomas (2012). Phytoplankton niches, traits and eco-evolutionary responses to global environmental change. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 470, 235-248. [pdf]
3. KF Edwards, MK Thomas, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2012). Allometric scaling and taxonomic variation in nutrient utilization traits and maximum growth rate of phytoplankton. Limnology & Oceanography, 57(2), 554-566. [pdf]
2. B Mathews, A Narwani, S Hausch, E Nonaka, H Peter, M Yamamichi, KE Sullam, KC Bird, MK Thomas et al. (2011). Toward an integration of evolutionary biology and ecosystem science. Ecology Letters, 14, 690-701. [pdf]
1. E Litchman, P de Tezanos Pinto, CA Klausmeier, MK Thomas & K Yoshiyama (2010). Linking traits to species diversity and community structure in phytoplankton. Hydrobiologia, 653(1), 15-28. [pdf]
Other fields:
I have used my skills in statistics & machine learning to collaborate on a few projects outside my specialty:
6. AS Thomas, MK Thomas, EC Davis, S Fowler, EW Schneider, FM Recchia & CC Awh (2023). A Comparison of Peel-Induced Maculopathy Following ILM Peeling Using a Microvacuum Pick Versus Forceps. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging Retina, 54(1), 37-42. [pdf]
5. EW Schneider, MK Thomas, FM Recchia, DA Reichstein & CC Awh (2023). Sustained Biweekly Aflibercept For Refractory Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: The Prospective TRISTAR Study. Retina, 43(5), 739-746. [pdf]
4. CC Awh, EC Davis, MK Thomas & AS Thomas (2022). Short-term outcomes after interim treatment with brolucizumab: a retrospective case series of a single center experience. Retina, 42(5), 899-905. [pdf]
3. FA Birnbaum, S Chandramouli, MK Thomas & JA Rosdahl (2020). The Role of Gender in Ophthalmology Resident Evaluations. Journal of Academic Ophthalmology, 12(01), e8-e14. [pdf]
2. FA Birnbaum, AS Thomas, MK Thomas, SP Yoon, P Dmitriev, JS Kim, JH Powers, K Khan, M Gomez-Caraballo & S Fekrat (2019). The Effect of Select Systemic Medications on Visual Outcomes in Diabetics With Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion. Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases, 3(4), 215-222 [pdf]
1. AS Thomas, MK Thomas, AP Finn & S Fekrat. (2019). Use of the Ischemic Index on Widefield Fluorescein Angiography to characterize a Central Retinal Vein Occlusion as ischemic or nonischemic. Retina. 39(6), 1033-1038 [pdf]
Ecology papers
A few selected papers highlighted in bold.
33. Thomas, MK* & R Ranjan* (2024). Designing More Informative Multiple-Driver Experiments. Annual Review of Marine Science, 16, 513-536. [pdf] Twitter thread *Contributed equally
32. Gjoni, V, DS Glazier, BW Ibelings, JS Wesner & MK Thomas (2023). Temperature, resources, and predation interact to shape phytoplankton size-abundance relationships at a continental scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 2006-2016. [pdf]
31. Suarez, EL, LD Ventura, A Stöckli, C Ordóñez, MK Thomas, BW Ibelings & DF McGinnis (2023). The emergence and dominance of Planktothrix rubescens as an hypolimnetic cyanobacterium in response to re-oligotrophication of a deep peri-alpine lake. Limnology & Oceanography, 68, 1346-1359. [pdf]
30. Litchman, E* & MK Thomas* (2023). Are we underestimating the ecological and evolutionary effects of warming? Interactions with other environmental drivers may increase species vulnerability to high temperatures. Oikos, 2023(2), e09155. [pdf] Twitter thread *Contributed equally
29. Wierenga, J, MK Thomas, R Ranjan & BW Ibelings (2022). Complex effects of chytrid parasites on the growth of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens across interacting temperature and light gradients. ISME Communications, 2(93). [pdf] Twitter thread
28. Kath, NJ, MK Thomas & U Gaedke (2022). Mysterious ciliates: seasonally recurrent and yet hard to predict. Journal of Plankton Research, 44(6), 891-910. [pdf]
27. Collins, S, H Whittaker & MK. Thomas (2022). The need for unrealistic experiments in global change biology. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 68, 102151. [pdf] Twitter thread
26. Mesman, JP, AI Ayala, S Goyette, J Kasparian, R Marcé, H Markensten, JAA Stelzer, MK Thayne, MK Thomas, DC Pierson & BW Ibelings (2022). Drivers of phytoplankton responses to summer wind events in a stratified lake: A modeling study. Limnology & Oceanography 67(4), 856-873. [pdf]
25. Meyer, MF, R Ladwig, JP Mesman, IA Oleksy, CC Barbosa, KM Cawley, AN Cramer, J Feldbauer, PQ Tran, JA Zwart, GA López Moreira M., M Shikhani, D Gurung, RT Hensley, E Matta, RP McClure, T Petzoldt, N Sánchez-López, K Soetaert, MK Thomas, SN Topp, & X Yang. (2021). The AEMON-J “Hacking Limnology” Workshop Series & Virtual Summit: Incorporating Data Science and Open Science in Aquatic Research. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 30(4), 140-143. [pdf]
24. Kiørboe, TK & MK Thomas (2020). Heterotrophic eukaryotes show a slow-fast continuum, not a gleaner-exploiter trade-off. PNAS. 117(40), 24893-24899. [pdf]
AND in reply to a comment on the paper:
Kiørboe, TK & MK Thomas (2021). Reply to Letten and Yamamichi: A rescue at the cost of falsifiability. PNAS. 118(5) e2025720118 [pdf]
23. Bernhardt, JR, P Kratina, A Pereira, M Tamminen, MK Thomas & A Narwani (2020). The evolution of competitive ability for essential resources. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 375, 20190247. [pdf]
22. Lindegren, M, MK Thomas, SH Jónasdóttir, TG Nielsen & P Munk (2020). Environmental niche separation promotes coexistence among ecologically similar zooplankton species – North Sea copepods as a case study. Limnology & Oceanography, 65, 545-556. [pdf]
21. Lewington‐Pearce, L, A Narwani, MK Thomas, CT Kremer, H Vogler & P Kratina (2019). Temperature‐dependence of minimum resource requirements alters competitive hierarchies in phytoplankton. Oikos, 128, 1194-1205. [pdf]
20. S Fontana, MK Thomas, M Reyes & F Pomati (2019). Light limitation increases multidimensional trait evenness in phytoplankton populations. The ISME Journal, 13, 1159–1167. [pdf]
19. MK Thomas, S Fontana, M Reyes & F Pomati (2018). Quantifying cell densities and biovolumes of phytoplankton communities and functional groups using scanning flow cytometry, machine learning and unsupervised clustering. PLoS one. 13(5), e0196225. [pdf]
18. MK Thomas, S Fontana, M Reyes, M Kehoe & F Pomati (2018). The predictability of a lake phytoplankton community, over time-scales of hours to years. Ecology Letters. 21, 619-628. [pdf]
17. S Fontana, MK Thomas, M Moldoveanu, P Spaak & F Pomati (2018). Individual-level trait diversity predicts phytoplankton community properties better than species richness or evenness. The ISME Journal. 12, 356-366 [pdf]
16. CN Ryan, MK Thomas & E Litchman (2017). The effects of phosphorus and temperature on the competitive success of an invasive cyanobacterium. Aquatic Ecology. 51, 463-472 [pdf]
15. CT Kremer, MK Thomas & E Litchman (2017). Temperature- and size-scaling of phytoplankton population growth rates: reconciling the Eppley curve and the metabolic theory of ecology. Limnology & Oceanography. 62, 1658-1670. [pdf]
14. F Pomati, J Jokela, S Castiglioni, MK Thomas & L Nizzetto (2017). Micropollutants reduce phenotypic diversity and response capacity of natural phytoplankton communities. PLoS one, 12, e0174207. [pdf]
13. MK Thomas, M Aranguren-Gassis, CT Kremer, MR Gould, K Anderson, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2017). Temperature-nutrient interactions exacerbate sensitivity to warming in phytoplankton. Global Change Biology. 23, 3269-3280. [pdf]
12. KF Edwards, MK Thomas, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2016). Phytoplankton growth and the interaction of light and temperature: A synthesis at the species and community level. Limnology & Oceanography. 61, 1232-1244. [pdf]
11. L Listmann, M LeRoch, L Schlüter, MK Thomas & TBH Reusch (2016), Swift thermal reaction norm evolution in a key coccolithophore species. Evolutionary Applications. doi: 10.1111/eva.12362. [pdf]
10. MK Thomas, CT Kremer & E Litchman (2016). Environment and evolutionary history determine the global biogeography of phytoplankton temperature traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25, 75-86. [pdf]
9. MK Thomas & E Litchman (2016), Effects of temperature and nitrogen availability on the growth of invasive and native cyanobacteria. Hydrobiologia, 763, 357-369 [pdf]
8. E Litchman, P de Tezanos Pinto, KF Edwards, CA Klausmeier, CT Kremer & MK Thomas (2015). Global biogeochemical impacts of phytoplankton: a trait-based perspective. Journal of Ecology, 103, 1384-1396. [pdf]
7. KF Edwards, MK Thomas, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2015). Light and growth in marine phytoplankton: allometric, taxonomic, and environmental variation. Limnology & Oceanography, 60, 540-552. [pdf]
6. PW Boyd, TA Rynearson, EA Armstrong, F Fu, K Hayashi, Z Hu, DA Hutchins, RM Kudela, E Litchman, MR Mulholland, U Passow, RF Strzepek, KA Whittaker, E Yu, & MK Thomas (2013). Marine phytoplankton temperature versus growth responses from polar to tropical waters - Outcome of a scientific community-wide study. PLoS one, 8(5), e63091. [pdf]
5. MK Thomas*, CT Kremer*, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2012). A global pattern of thermal adaptation in marine phytoplankton. Science, 338 (6110), 1085-1088. [pdf] *Contributed equally
Public reception: Faculty of 1000, Nature research highlights, New Scientist
4. E Litchman. KF Edwards, CA Klausmeier & MK Thomas (2012). Phytoplankton niches, traits and eco-evolutionary responses to global environmental change. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 470, 235-248. [pdf]
3. KF Edwards, MK Thomas, CA Klausmeier & E Litchman (2012). Allometric scaling and taxonomic variation in nutrient utilization traits and maximum growth rate of phytoplankton. Limnology & Oceanography, 57(2), 554-566. [pdf]
2. B Mathews, A Narwani, S Hausch, E Nonaka, H Peter, M Yamamichi, KE Sullam, KC Bird, MK Thomas et al. (2011). Toward an integration of evolutionary biology and ecosystem science. Ecology Letters, 14, 690-701. [pdf]
1. E Litchman, P de Tezanos Pinto, CA Klausmeier, MK Thomas & K Yoshiyama (2010). Linking traits to species diversity and community structure in phytoplankton. Hydrobiologia, 653(1), 15-28. [pdf]
Other fields:
I have used my skills in statistics & machine learning to collaborate on a few projects outside my specialty:
6. AS Thomas, MK Thomas, EC Davis, S Fowler, EW Schneider, FM Recchia & CC Awh (2023). A Comparison of Peel-Induced Maculopathy Following ILM Peeling Using a Microvacuum Pick Versus Forceps. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging Retina, 54(1), 37-42. [pdf]
5. EW Schneider, MK Thomas, FM Recchia, DA Reichstein & CC Awh (2023). Sustained Biweekly Aflibercept For Refractory Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: The Prospective TRISTAR Study. Retina, 43(5), 739-746. [pdf]
4. CC Awh, EC Davis, MK Thomas & AS Thomas (2022). Short-term outcomes after interim treatment with brolucizumab: a retrospective case series of a single center experience. Retina, 42(5), 899-905. [pdf]
3. FA Birnbaum, S Chandramouli, MK Thomas & JA Rosdahl (2020). The Role of Gender in Ophthalmology Resident Evaluations. Journal of Academic Ophthalmology, 12(01), e8-e14. [pdf]
2. FA Birnbaum, AS Thomas, MK Thomas, SP Yoon, P Dmitriev, JS Kim, JH Powers, K Khan, M Gomez-Caraballo & S Fekrat (2019). The Effect of Select Systemic Medications on Visual Outcomes in Diabetics With Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion. Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases, 3(4), 215-222 [pdf]
1. AS Thomas, MK Thomas, AP Finn & S Fekrat. (2019). Use of the Ischemic Index on Widefield Fluorescein Angiography to characterize a Central Retinal Vein Occlusion as ischemic or nonischemic. Retina. 39(6), 1033-1038 [pdf]